Feeling Lost and Unmotivated? Read This.
You're not lazy. You're not broken. You're just stuck.
I’ve felt stuck or lost so many times in my life that I can’t even keep count.
In 2011, I finished grad school. The economy was still recovering from the 2008 crash. I wanted to work in finance. But no one wanted to hire me. Not a single company gave me a shot.
So I did what a lot of people do when they’re out of options. I started a business with my dad.
By 2013, I’d been working with him for two years. And I hated it. I didn’t like the industry, felt no passion for the work, and couldn’t see a future in it.
That’s when I thought, “Maybe I just need to do my own thing.” So I started a marketing agency. But I couldn’t even get a single client.
In 2014, I took a corporate job. To be honest, it felt good at the beginning. After all, that’s what I wanted when I was in university.
But within a year, I felt completely empty. The dream I had of climbing the corporate ladder and becoming a CEO? Gone. I didn’t care anymore. I didn’t even want to get out of bed. I was depressed, uninspired, and completely lost.
And you’d think that once I found something I actually enjoyed, everything would click into place. It didn’t. I’ve felt stuck every single year since. Sometimes in my work. Sometimes in my personal life. Sometimes just in my own head.
But here’s the thing. Every time I felt stuck, something good happened afterwards. So all hope is not lost.
If you’re currently stuck, here’s what I want to share with you.
First, change your perspective: Feeling lost is GOOD
If you’re stuck in a gloomy mindset, I know this is not what you want to hear. Because right now you’re probably thinking:
Everything sucks
Nothing will be fine
The world is a bad place
It’s hopeless, so why even try?
Let’s cut the crap. Enough feeling sorry for yourself. It’s time to snap out of your negativity.
First, understand that you’re feeling lost for a reason.
There’s something you need to change. When you feel bad, it’s your body and mind’s way of telling you that you can’t keep doing what you’re doing. It’s just not working.
Every time I was stuck, I made a change.
What’s something you’re going to change?
Second, you have enough time
Let me guess why you’re feeling bad right now.
You didn’t get what you wanted in the timeframe that YOU expected.
Am I right?
I have to make 200K a year by the time I’m 35
I should’ve been married by now
I need to have my life together by the end of this year
Who told you that? Who made those rules?
You have time.
Most people only figure things out after years of trial and error. The people who act like they knew exactly what they wanted at 22? They’re lying to you and themselves.
The real game is about learning, adjusting, and staying in motion. You don’t need to be perfect today. You just need to keep moving.
Third, don’t be a sour companion for the people in your life
Feeling sorry for yourself is selfish and it drags down the people around you too.
No one wants to hang out with someone who constantly complains, blames others, or acts like life is out to get them.
If you want better relationships, stop making everything about you.
Change your focus to OTHER people. Stop thinking about yourself for a second. You can always come back to that!
Ask how your friends are doing. Check in with family.
Offer help, even if you feel like you need it more. Being useful to others is one of the fastest ways to stop feeling useless yourself.
Show up as someone worth supporting; someone who’s trying, someone who’s honest about their struggles but also willing to do the work.
Fourth, focus on the basics: Exercise, sleep, journaling, learning, and progress
When you’re stuck, your mind tricks you into believing you need some grand solution. But most of the time, it’s the simple things that get you moving again.
Move your body every day, even if it’s just a short walk.
Get serious about your sleep. Bad sleep ruins everything else.
Start writing down your thoughts. Journaling helps you process your emotions and spot patterns.
Learn something new. Read books. Watch useful videos. Feed your brain with ideas that make you think.
That’s EASY today. Don’t know what to learn? AI. AI. AI all day! This is the most exciting time in technology ever.
Just focus on the basics and the rest will follow.
Time to move
Start by dropping the self-pity and taking ownership of your life.
You’re not lazy. You’re not broken. You’re just stuck.
That’s temporary….as long as you don’t give up.
Do one thing today to create momentum, even if it’s small. That’s how you start over. That’s how you find your way out.
Time to go!
Thank you for your well-written wisdom.
I can resonate with a lot of this and I agree that taking action despite feeling stuck is very important!